PTA SK Penapar Tutong
Thursday, May 24th 2012
Tutong Sekolah Rendah Penapar students, teachers and parents visit Golden Corporation SdnBhd a quality seafood producers
The Multi-Purpose Marine Resources Processing & Business Centre is the result of a strategic partnership between Semaun Marine Resources SdnBhd and a foreign direct investor, Golden Corporation Sdn Bhd. It is the only fully integrated producer of seafood-related products in Brunei.
Golden Corporation SdnBhd welcomed a group of students, teachers and parents from SekolahRendahPenapar, Tutong.
This group of students is currently in Year 3, 4, 5, & 6 and this visit is part of their yearly activities of Parent Teachers Association (PersetuanIbuBapadan Guru-guru). The group comprised of 40 and the visit was headed by Mr. Yong Ming Chok (Principal SR PenaparTutong).
Upon arrival, the group was welcomed and given a tour around Golden Corporation SdnBhd by the company’s Marketing Executive and other staff.
The purpose of the visit was to give a chance to the students of SekolahRendahPenaparTutong to take a closer look at the environment and activities as well as gain experience and ideas on the daily operations in various sections. Also, from the visit, it was hoped that these students and teachers will gain useful knowledge which can be used for SekolahRendahPenapar activities in Tutong District.
The Multi-Purpose Marine Resources Processing and Business Centre commenced operations in June 2012 and pride itself as the only fully-integrated producer of seafood products in Brunei. It is also the first company to produce organic feed and breed organic blue shrimp.
Golden Corporation SdnBhd’s principal business is in aquaculture and seafood processing. It includes the farming, harvesting and processing of fish and shrimp. The company also provides assistance and technical know-how to local shrimp and fish aqua-farmers. At present, the company caters to the domestic and Asian regional market; and are in the process of finalizing exports to both the US and EU market.